OAuth GitHub module

Documentation for OAuth Github module



Dashboard bundles everything a web app needs, all the "boilerplate" like signing in and changing passwords, into a parallel server so you can write a much smaller web app.

The oath module is a framework for using OAuth, a standardized authentication flow for allowing users to "sign in with" 3rd-party services.

The oauth-github module enables signing in and registering with GitHub.

Create OAuth application on GitHub

In your Github settings, or organization settings, navigate to the developer settings and OAuth apps. Create an OAuth app and take note of your client id and secret, and redirect URL.

Your redirect URL should be:


You will need to configure environment variables for your keys:


Import this module

Install the module with NPM:

$ npm install @layeredapps/oauth

Edit your package.json to activate the module:

"dashboard": {
  "modules": [

After adding this service, add provider modules too:

$ npm install @layeredapps/oauth-github

Edit your package.json to include the scripts for provider buttons and error message templates, which injects HTML into your signin and register pages:

"dashboard": {
  "content": [

Provided server, content and proxy handlers

This module comes with some convenience scripts you can add to your package.json:

Type Script path Description
content @layeredapps/oauth-github/src/content/register-button.js Adds a GitHub button to the <div id="oauth-buttons"></div> on the registration page.
content @layeredapps/oauth-github/src/content/signin-button.js Adds a GitHub button to the <div id="oauth-buttons"></div> on the signin page.
content @layeredapps/oauth-github/src/content/signin-error-templates.js Adds error messages for user declining, GitHub suspension or misconfiguration to the signin page.


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