Stripe Subscriptions module API explorer

/api/user/subscriptions/customer (GET)

Account information like email addresses is generated with faker-js it is not real user information.

await global.api.user.subscriptions.Customer.get(req)

Returns object

  "customerid": "cus_LwHCVmszzcT9rn",
  "object": "customer",
  "accountid": "acct_10b9d4e408dbeb45",
  "couponid": null,
  "stripeObject": {
    "id": "cus_LwHCVmszzcT9rn",
    "object": "customer",
    "address": null,
    "balance": 0,
    "created": 1656123767,
    "currency": null,
    "default_source": null,
    "delinquent": false,
    "description": "American Express",
    "discount": null,
    "email": "",
    "invoice_prefix": "214219B5",
    "invoice_settings": {
      "custom_fields": null,
      "default_payment_method": "pm_1LEOe3HHqepMFuCXHQPlQmGJ",
      "footer": null,
      "rendering_options": null
    "livemode": false,
    "metadata": {},
    "name": null,
    "next_invoice_sequence": 1,
    "phone": null,
    "preferred_locales": [],
    "shipping": null,
    "tax_exempt": "none",
    "test_clock": null
  "appid": "tests_1656123767",
  "createdAt": "2022-06-25T02:22:47.763Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-06-25T02:22:50.178Z"


These exceptions are thrown (NodeJS) or returned as JSON (HTTP) if you provide incorrect data or do not meet the requirements:

Exception Circumstances
invalid-account ineligible accessing account
invalid-customerid missing querystring customerid
invalid querystring customerid

NodeJS source (view on github)

const dashboard = require('@layeredapps/dashboard')
const subscriptions = require('../../../../../index.js')

module.exports = {
  get: async (req) => {
    if (!req.query || !req.query.customerid) {
      throw new Error('invalid-customerid')
    let customer = await dashboard.StorageCache.get(req.query.customerid)
    if (!customer) {
      const customerInfo = await subscriptions.Storage.Customer.findOne({
        where: {
          customerid: req.query.customerid,
          appid: req.appid || global.appid
      if (!customerInfo) {
        throw new Error('invalid-customerid')
      if (customerInfo.dataValues.accountid !== req.account.accountid) {
        throw new Error('invalid-account')
      customer = {}
      for (const field of customerInfo._options.attributes) {
        customer[field] = customerInfo.get(field)
      await dashboard.StorageCache.set(req.query.customerid, customer)
    return customer

Test source (view on github)

/* eslint-env mocha */
const assert = require('assert')
const TestHelper = require('../../../../../test-helper.js')
const TestStripeAccounts = require('../../../../../test-stripe-accounts.js')
const DashboardTestHelper = require('@layeredapps/dashboard/test-helper.js')

describe('/api/user/subscriptions/customer', function () {
  let cachedResponses
  async function bundledData (retryNumber) {
    if (retryNumber > 0) {
      cachedResponses = {}
    if (cachedResponses && cachedResponses.finished) {
    cachedResponses = {}
    await TestHelper.setupBefore()
    await DashboardTestHelper.setupBeforeEach()
    await TestHelper.setupBeforeEach()
    const user = await TestStripeAccounts.createUserWithPaymentMethod()
    const user2 = await TestHelper.createUser()
    // invalid account
    const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/customer?customerid=${user.customer.customerid}`)
    req.account = user2.account
    req.session = user2.session
    try {
      await req.get()
    } catch (error) {
      cachedResponses.invalidAccount = error.message
    // response
    const req2 = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/customer?customerid=${user.customer.customerid}`)
    req2.account = user.account
    req2.session = user.session
    req2.filename = __filename
    req2.saveResponse = true
    cachedResponses.returns = await req2.get()
    cachedResponses.finished = true

  describe('exceptions', () => {
    describe('invalid-customerid', () => {
      it('missing querystring customerid', async function () {
        await bundledData(this.test.currentRetry())
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/subscriptions/customer')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.get()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-customerid')

      it('invalid querystring customerid', async function () {
        await bundledData(this.test.currentRetry())
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/subscriptions/customer?customerid=invalid')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.get()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-customerid')

    describe('invalid-account', () => {
      it('ineligible accessing account', async function () {
        await bundledData(this.test.currentRetry())
        const errorMessage = cachedResponses.invalidAccount
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-account')

  describe('returns', () => {
    it('object', async () => {
      const customer = cachedResponses.returns
      assert.strictEqual(customer.object, 'customer')